The 8 Friends You Need in your Hen Party Tribe
Hen Party Etiquette and Advice
14 Jan 2019

We all have friends ladies. A friend at work, a friend from college or school, a friend from the gym and if you’re lucky enough a friend you’ve had since you were a toddler. But sometimes it isn’t enough. A woman needs a tribe. And especially a Hen Party Tribe.
I love Hen Party weekends because for the most part there are hugely varying personalities from all walks of life converging on a town or city for a night of celebrating the bride to be. Sometimes on a Hen Party weekend, you’ll know everyone and other times you may just know the bride to be. But either way, it’s an exciting time to meet people.
However, every woman’s Hen Party tribe needs to have a few certain characters. So, here are the 8 Friends You Need in Your Hen Party Tribe. Will you be able to spot yourself?
The Deep Thinker
The ‘Deep Thinker’ on the hen is that friend who is willing to dig deep into a complex conversation on a wide range of topics. She’ll have a point and reason for everything. But we love her! It’s this ability that allows her to think of all the little things that need to be done to make it an incredible hen party weekend for the bride to be.
Word of caution, however, do not get into a conversation on who’s better. Ryan Gosling? Or Jason Momoa?
The Comedian
A Hen Party weekend is all about having a good time. It’s about smiling, laughing and laughing at the stupid things that only your hen party tribe will get. Every hen party tribe needs a comedian. She’s the friend is constantly making you and the group laugh. Even when it's not intentional. They have an aura that makes the hen party weekend a whole barrel of laughs.
The comedian also possesses some of the best/worst/cringiest dance moves you’ll ever see thrown on a dancefloor.
The Carer
One of my good friends said that she would refer to ‘the Carer’ in her tribe as her ‘Handler’ which gave me a good giggle. But the carer in the hen party tribe takes care of you. She’s the friend that picks up your phone after you when you’ve left it behind you in the bar again. She’s the friend that always has an extra something packed in her bag in case you forget something…which they always do. She is also the friend that on your Hen Party weekend will make sure you won’t have to care about anything.
And should you have a few too many glasses of prosecco on the Hen Night? She’ll be the one tucking you into bed.
The “I have your back” friend
This member of the Hen Party tribe is often the girl on the Hen Party weekend know one knows. She is a fiercely loyal friend and you know that you could call her morning, noon or night and she’d be there. She may not always be to the forefront in your day to day life for a variety of reasons. Work, living abroad etc. But you know you can count on her, especially on the Hen Party weekend.
She’s also your go-to dance partner on the Hen as she knows all the dance moves to Saturday night.
The Twin Friend
Essentially this is that friend of yours that might as well be your twin or doppelganger. She gets you on an emotional level because she is literally like you. She knows what you’re thinking and feeling without even having to ask and is the closest friend. She’s probably your maid of honour because you can’t think of anyone else that you’d want by you side on the big day. On a hen party weekend she‘ll make sure that along with us in, you have the most beautiful hen party weekend,
Oh, and the ‘Twin’ Friend is often that friend that shows up wearing the exact same outfit as you!
The “Quirky” Friend
This member of the hen party tribe is often described as a bit different. Most people in the hen party group can’t quite figure out how you two are actually friends. Your views and tastes on fashion, current affairs, careers, music, drinks and even food all seem to be completely different. But for some strange reason, it works. You’re friends because of your differences and enjoy each other's company because of these. She is a wonderful addition to a Hen Party tribe as she’ll add something unexpected to the hen party weekend.
The Secret Keeper
Every Hen Party Tribe has one! She’s got dirt on you and well you know it! But luckily for you, you have plenty on her. Your trust and love for one another allow you both to share secrets, dream and aspirations with and only to each other. And on a Hen Party weekend when you’re celebrating you’re upcoming nuptials. On the hen party, you can share your dreams of the big day and the years afterwards.
I’d keep an eye on this one for the Hen Party games. She’ll have a few great questions for the Mr & Mrs Game!
The Forever Friend
Lastly, on the list of The 8 Friends, You Need in your Hen Party Tribe, we have the forever friend. You have simply known this friend well forever. You can’t recall a time that you weren’t friends. There is no point in time that you remember meeting and deciding to be friends as kids. She new your childhood pet and was heartbroken as much as you were when they passed. You used to go on adventures together when you were kids and she probably knows who your first ever kiss was. Not that you need reminding of that (Just had a flashback to mine, cringe).
On the Hen Party weekend, she will be there as she’s always been, forever by your side.
These are just some of the people and friends that make up a Hen Party tribe. They all contribute in there own special and unique way to an incredible hen party weekend for a loved one. And when it’s there own Hen they know they’ll receive the same love.
So, do you which one you are ladies? And do you know already who’s in your Hen Party tribe?
Finally, if you’re planning a hen party weekend. Make sure to pop us an email on or call 051390990 and we’ll be delighted to help create an incredible hen party weekend!